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Mishloach Manot

Congregation Beth Aaron is happy to announce that once again
our Sisterhood will be sending Mishloach Manot to the whole shul.
The cost is only $3 a name, with a maximum charge of $140 for
the whole list if someone in your household is a Sisterhood
member. If you have not yet joined the Sisterhood, it is $160 to
send to the whole shul. (You can even pay your $18 sisterhood
membership online when paying for Mishloach Manot.)
To help save time and effort, this year we will once again be
having online signup for Mishloach Manot. Please note: If you
want to pay with post-dated checks, you must order using the
paper form. To pay in full with your credit card, check out the
label on this mailing! You will find a note with your personal PIN
to order. Just log onto and
enter your code. You will need this pin any time you want to log in
or update your account. Online you can choose who you would like
to send Mishloach Manot to and even pay with a Visa or
Please join us and the rest of our community in this great project.
For questions about online ordering, please contact Mo-B Singer at
(201) 836-4040 or
Aliza Fischman, Menucha Hyman, Reshi Isaacs,
Valerie Kahn & Yacha Singer

This year, we’re sending something sweet,
Mishloach Manot, a Purim treat!
A bundle of joy, a gift to share,
Packed with love, beyond compare.

At just $4 a name, it’s such a deal,
With $185 as the max appeal.
To join the fun, it’s easy to do,
Log in to ShulCloud—it's waiting for you!

But don’t delay, mark the date in sight,
March 1, 2025, is the deadline night.
So sign up now and spread the cheer,
With Mishloach Manot for a joyous year!


For questions about online ordering, or if you don't feel comfortable placing your order online,
please contact Yacha Singer at or 201-836-4040.


Gabrielle Silverberg & Debby Sheffey, 

Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Aliza Fischman, Valerie Kahn, and Yacha Singer,
Mishloach Manot Project Chairs

Help Sponsor this Great Project!

Purim is here again! As always, the Sisterhood is organizing Mishloach Manot packages for all members.
While this is fun and yummy, it is also one of our primary fundraisers, supporting a variety of programs for our shul.
The funds raised help provide essential items, services, and financial assistance to our congregants during times of need.

This year, we are excited to send you beautiful Mishloach Manot packages that we know you’ll enjoy. At the same time,
we remain committed to our mission of helping those in need. As the Rambam teaches, tzedaka begins at home,
and a portion of the proceeds will go directly to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund to assist members of our community.

In the spirit of Purim and tzedaka, we invite you to join us as a sponsor. There are several sponsorship levels available,
all of which will enable the Sisterhood to continue its work of providing chesed to those in need. We encourage you
to consider adding one of the suggested amounts—or any amount you feel moved to give—to the cost of your
Mishloach Manot package.

So how can I help? Deliver! 

We have a fantastic Mishloach Manot package planned for you this year!  As such, we want to make sure that
everybody gets a chance to enjoy it.  This will only work, though, if people sign up to deliver.  Routes have been set
to be as easy as possible for deliverers and the packages have been especially designed to be easy to handle,
so it should be easy for you to take as many as your trunk and schedule can fit!  If your teen is involved in helping,
we will be happy to provide a chesed letter upon request. The more people who sign up, the fewer each person
will need to deliver.

We always need drivers!  Pickup will be Monday, March 10, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., and on Tuesday, March 11,
from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Click here to sign up for a pickup slot

Contact Valerie Kahn,, if you can help in any way.

Thank you so much and happy Purim!

So sign me up!

First make sure you are logged into the Beth Aaron website and then click below!




Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785